Publication details

Czech consumer´s criteria for meals selection in a cafeteria



Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description It was surveyed how consumers choose their lunch in the cafeteria. The survey was conducted in The Military University of Ground Forces in Vyškov. The questionnaire was distributed to the consumers, students of military and civil department, their teachers (soldiers and civil employees). The respondents choose their meal according to their instant appetite. The food appearance is not important for the majority of soldiers and military students, but for the majority of civil students and their teachers´ appearance of food is always important. In cafés and restaurants smell and appearance are the most important for both military and civilian students, while for both military and civilian teacher the most important is price. Intensity of work that a person expects after lunch affects the choice of lunch at military students only sometimes, for military and civilian teachers and civilian students rarely or never. All groups of respondents agreed that they sometimes choose the unpopular meal.

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