Publication details

Der Ständeaufstand 1618 als Grundbaustein des tschechischen historischen Narrativs

Title in English The Estates Uprising of 1618 as the cornerstone of the Czech historical narrative

KNOZ Tomáš

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Löwe und Adler : Aspekte der böhmischen und mährischen Geschichte im europäischen Kontext
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Bohemia; Moravia; early modern period; Estates Uprising; Thirty Years' War; nobility; Charles of Liechtenstein; Battle of White Mountain
Description The year l6l8 is considered one of the key moments in European history. Perhaps for this reason, its description and often its illustration can be found in almost every textbook on European and world history. It was in this year that the Thirty Years' War began, marking a turning point not only in the sphere of military affairs but in European civilisation as a whole. It would seem that the events at Prague Castle in May l6l8 also represent a turning point between traditional and modern society and are on a par with the symbolic significance of the events at the Place de la Bastille in July 1789.

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