Publication details




Year of publication 2024
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description This entry explores the concept of hosting within EU copyright law, covering services such as web hosting, social media platforms, cloud storage, and video sharing. The EU's e-Commerce Directive ((EC) 2000/31) establishes a 'safe harbour' regime, shielding hosting providers from liability for user-uploaded content if certain conditions are met, such as acting promptly upon gaining actual knowledge of illegal content and avoiding general monitoring obligations. Influenced by the U.S. DMCA, this regime has led to varied applications across Member States, with Germany imposing intermediary liability for failing to prevent illegal activities, while France adheres strictly to safe harbour provisions for purely technical intermediaries. Recent legal developments, including the Copyright in the Digital Single Market (CDSM) Directive and the 2022 Digital Services Act (DSA), impose stricter obligations on online content-sharing service providers (OCSSPs) to prevent copyright infringement and enhance transparency and accountability. The CJEU has sought to harmonize these principles, emphasizing a balance between freedom of expression and intellectual property protection. This entry highlights the evolving nature of hosting in EU copyright law, balancing the protection of intellectual property rights with the fundamental freedoms of service providers and users.

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