Publication details

Analysis of zinc, iron, and copper levels in patients with common variable immunodeficiency.



Year of publication 1995
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Allergol. Immunopathol
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other specializations of internal medicine
Keywords Common variable immunodeficiency; Nutritional status; Zinc; Irin; Copper
Description Serum zinc, copper and iron levels together with content of zinc in hair were investigated in 13 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) and in 13 controls. A significant decrease in serum zinc (mean = 11.3 mumol/l, SD = 2.9 in CVID patients compared to mean 14.3 mumol/l, SD = 2.4 in controls) and iron levels (mean = 11.8 mumol/l, SD = 3.1 in CVID patients, mean = 18.3 mumol/l, SD = 4.7 in controls) in CVID patients were observed. Hair zinc content of CVID patients was significantly decreased compared to healthy persons (1.41 mumol/g, SD = 0.64 in CVID patients, and mean = 2.23 mumol/g, SD = 0.83 in controls). Serum copper level in CVID patients was significantly increased compared to controls (mean = 24.4 mumol/l, SD = 4.8 in CVID Patients, mean = 14.6 mumol/l, SD = 2.8 in controls). The decreased serum zinc and iron levels may be caused by disturbed absorption in the intestines of patients with CVID, but redistribution due to chronic inflammatory processes is a second possible explanation of hypozincemia in CVID patients

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