Publication details

Microtubular structures in two basidiomycetous yeasts Malassezia pachydermatis and Cryptococcus laurentii

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Year of publication 2003
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Cytoskeleton was studied in M. pachydermatis and C. laurentii. Microtubules in M. pachydermatis form an irregular network. After the start of budding on a broad base, the microtubules direct to the bud. During the next stage microtubules are in the bud. The mitotic spindle was not detected yet. However, from the existing findings, it is evident that the nucleus migrates into the bud before mitosis. C. laurentii cells have rich cytoplasmic microtubules, which gradually direct to the bud during budding, similarly as in M. pachydermatis. However, C. laurentii buds with the narrower base and at the beginning of budding it forms sterigma. Before mitosis, nucleus enters into the bud. During the mitosis, the mitotic spindle appears in the nucleus. The dynamics of microtubules corresponds to those in other basidiomycetous yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. It is likely that the basidiomycetous yeasts could have the similar dynamics of the microtubules within the cell cycle.
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