Publication details

Sebevražda a tvůrčí čin

Title in English Suicide and creative act


Year of publication 2003
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The author examines the potential connections between the suicide of the British playwright Sarah Kane and the factors in her creative process that might have played a role in the development of her suicidal behavior. Since almost no autobiographical data about Sarah Kane are available, the author bases his analysis on her play '4.48 Psychosis' solely. On the basis of it and with the help of Kris's concept of 'regression in the service the ego' he tries to detect factors that might have facilitated Kane's suicide. He hypothesizes that a creative act with regressive elements helped Kane to cope with depression, but paradoxically drew her closer to self-destruction. Thus the process of regression lost its function of integrating unconscious contents into artistic form.

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