Publication details

Reflexe politiky Jana Šrámka na stránkách vybraných českých deníků ve dnech presidentské volby v roce 1935

Title in English The reflections of Jan Šrámek´s politics on the pages of selected Czech daily newspapers in the days of presidential elections 1935


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jan Šrámek. Kněz-státník-politik
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field History
Keywords Czechoslovak Peoples Party; presidential elections of 1935; Czech party-political dailies
Description The paper analyses representations of the politics of the Czechoslovak People's Party led by Jan Šrámek in key Czech dailies at the time of the presidential elections, between 15 and 19 December 1935. The sample included editorials and columns as well as official standpoints of political parties published in the researched print media. In the days of the presidential elections of 1935 only Národní listy openly expressed views on the politics of the Czechoslovak People's Party and accused the party of an insufficient defence of the interests of the Catholic Church and of co-operation with reformed socialists and communists. Dailies of the civic parties that formed part of the government coalition, namely Venkov and Národní střed, appealed to the need for a presidential candidate that would be acceptable nationwide and applied a centrist rhetoric. The two dailies, however, refrained from direct attacks on the Czechoslovak People's Party.

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