Publication details

Komunikační rámec pro výměnu environmentálních informací

Title in English Communication framework for an exchange of environmental information


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 3. letní škola aplikované informatiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords eParticipation; DEMO-net; communication framework; environmental information systems; interoperability
Description The Masaryk University Research Project (Analysis and Design of Communication Framework within International Environmental Information Systems) is presented. It is funded by the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic and related to the European DEMO-net project (The Democracy Network) funded by the Commission. Research activities of Masaryk University monitor environmental communication activities and current interoperability with four target groups (public administration bodies, academicians, citizens and businesses) of the Czech Republic within national and pan-European environmental information systems to support eDemocracy and eParticipation. Methodology and prospective results relating to an interoperability and communication framework for national and international environmental information exchange are being discussed. Another theme is the reuse of public sector information with respect to eParticipation and objectives of interoperability for pan-European eGovernment services.
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