Publication details

Co s "právem národů" a "právem menšin"?

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Title in English What to do with "rights of nations" and "rights of ethnic minorities"?

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Lidská práva v evropském kontextu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Rights of nations abused; rights of ethnic minorities abused; European law; protection of ethnic minorities
Description European law does not acknowledge names of both "rights of nations" and "rights of ethnic minorities". Such a persistent avoidance of these names has been a result of both negative past experiences and impossibility to define a nation or a ethnic minority as a bearer of rights. Modern European law rejects also any system od exceptions or privileges and this would be an outcome of any system of "rights of nations" and "rights of ethnic minorities". European law thus invokes system of "protection of ethnic minorities" which is based on strict individualism.
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