Publication details

Process Analysis of Dynamic Geo-Visualization in Environmental Crisis Management


LUDÍK Tomáš RÁČEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Environmental Informatics and Industry Ecology. 22. International Conference on Informatics fo Environmental Protection. EnviroInfo 2008.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Process Analysis; Crisis Management; Application Ontology
Description This contribution describes the results of the research project Dynamic Geo-Visualization in Crisis Management supported by the Czech Ministry of Education. The paper is focused on the process analysis in the crisis management, particularly the analysis of the Czech Fire and Rescue Services Act. The analysis is based on using some use case diagrams, process maps, logical data models and CRUD matrixes. Based on the obtained knowledge from this process analysis, an application ontology has been created. This ontology describes the relations among crisis situations, person resources and information, mainly in regard to the geographical structure. The process maps are described by XPLD language. The application ontology is described by OWL language. Using the standards is aimed on reaching high interoperability.
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