Publication details

Strategie zaměstnavatelů v oblasti harmonizace práce a rodiny v kontextu strategií pracujících rodičů s dětmi

Title in English Employer's strategies in work and family issue in the context of working parents' strategies


Year of publication 2008
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description To facilitate the reconciliation of work and family responsibilities for parents, there is a system of formal measures (state social policy) and informal measures (such as grandparents' help). Beside state policies and strategies of families, the employers play a significant role in introducing, setting and implementing of work-family measures in everyday practice. However, researchers often concentrate on the side of the individuals or the welfare state but only few studies examine the employer’s position as one of the actors in given issue. Therefore, we do not aspire to complete explanation of employers’ behaviour. The aim of this paper is to clarify the approach and strategy for employers in dealing with the problem of reconciling of work and family and find out to what extent employers’ strategies coincide with strategies of working parents.
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