Publication details

E-learning at Masaryk University - Outcomes of Fruitful Effort



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ICETA 2008 Conference Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords E-learning; Masaryk University; Multimedia; Technical Support; Elportal; Service Center for E Learning; S-technician
Description E-learning has recently become part and parcel of university education. Not only does it effectively solve the problems stemming from the ever-increasing number of students, but it also enables the school staff to satisfy the present-day information needs and facilitates the teaching process by making it visual and more enjoyable. Masaryk University represents an innovator in the field of new information trends and in putting these into operation in the academic environment (rapid e-learning, e-learning applications integrated in the information system utilized for managing study-related records, project of e-technicians, etc.). The aforementioned efforts contribute to the good reputation the University enjoys and its popularity amongst those applying to it. This paper focuses on concrete outcomes of the deployment of e-learning technologies at Masaryk University, chiefly rapid e-learning, and exemplifies how these can be utilized in courses and other educational activities.
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