Publication details

Demanding life situations in university students: gender aspect



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Social Processes & Personality
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords appraisal; coping; coping strategies; demanding life situations; gender differences
Description The aim of the research was to analyze demanding life situations in university students, which to a significant degree influence using of specific coping strategies. We also studied the demanding life situation appraisal and the relation between it and following selection of coping strategies. We investigated coping strategies derived from the hierarchical model, which refers to R.S. Lazarus approach to coping with stress. We analyzed data of 136 university students (53 males and 83 females), and identified gender differences in demanding life types of situation: women more often became involved in situations relating to human relations. Differences were also found in the appraising of demanding life situations: women perceived these situations as less influenceable than men. Further, important differences between female and male subgroups were also found in the relation between appraising of demanding life situations and consequent use of coping strategies.

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