Publication details

La modalidad interrogativa en los textos publicitarios espańoles

Title in English The Interrogative Modality in Spanish Advertising Texts


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Pasión por el hispanismo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords Interrogative modality; Advertising Language
Description This paper examines the specific uses of the interrogative modality in Spanish print advertisements. The interrogation in advertising basically serves to: a) draw the attention of the potential consumer through surprising or personal questions, b) incite to buy the product by using indirect exhortations formulated as questions, c) introduce explicative sequences containing information about the advertised product. In relation to the unilateral character of the advertising communication, the question arises whether the interrogation in advertising is not essentially rhetorical, because the emisor can not expect any verbal answer on the part of the receiver.

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