Publication details

Interaction of light and cytokinins in Arabidopsis thaliana - stress and anthocyanin biosynthesis


PAVLŮ Jaroslav BRZOBOHATÝ Břetislav

Year of publication 2008
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Increased light intensity (due to Elip genes induction assumed as slight light stress) as well as increased level of cytokinins lead to anthocyanin accumulation and the effect of light and cytokinins in increasing the anthocyanin content was multiplicative.transparent testa 4 mutants did not show any lesions, chlorosis or other marks of severe stress under increased light intensity and/or cytokinin biosynthesis. No changes in content of chlorophyll and total carotenoids were observed in tt4 mutants indicating no substantial changes in photosynthesis. Taken together, anthocyanins do not serve an important function in protection against stress-promoting conditions such as increased light intensity and increased cytokinin levels.

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