Publication details

CPV videostudie anglického jazyka: analýza výuky reálií a interkulturní komunikativní kompetence

Title in English CPV Video Study of English: Analysis of teaching culture and interculutral communicative competence


Year of publication 2009
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Educational Research Centre at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, is conducting a research project CPV Video Study of English. The project was inspired by the German IPN Video Study (Seidel, Prenzel, Kobarg 2005). The theoretical starting point is the concept of teaching as creating opportunities to learn. 79 English lessons were videotaped in the 7th and 8th grades of elementary schools in Jihomoravský, Zlínský and Olomoucký regions in the standardized way (Janík, Miková 2006) using two videocameras. The schools involved in the project were selected randomly. This contribution is devoted to the introduction of the system of categories designed for observations of teaching culture and intercultural communicative competence and the preliminary analyses of the videotaped lessons.

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