Publication details

The origin and vegetation development of the Rejvíz pine bog and the history of the surrounding landscape during the Holocene

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Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Preslia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords palaeoecology peatland pollen
Description The origin and development of the Rejvíz mire and changes in the surrounding landscape vegetation are reconstructed using sediment stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating, pollen analysis and plant-macrofossils analysis. The sediment started to accumulate more than 9000 years ago at an open mixed-woodland spring with Dichodontium palustre. Around 6170 cal. yr BC the fen became inundated for 2000 years and (semi)aquatic vegetation thrived. Next step in the succession followed a decline in water level which resulted in the development of drier oligothrophic vegetationwith a high representation of pine and dwarf shrubs. After ca 1020 cal. yr BC the mire became the bog it is now. Three wooded stages appeared in both the minerotrophic and ombrotrophic developmental phases. The vegetation in the surrounding landscape developed without marked human interventions up till ca the last six or five centuries.
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