Publication details

Intermodální shift mezi leteckou a železniční dopravou

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Title in English Air and Rail Intermodal Shift


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Konkurence na evropských železnicích - ekonomické, právní a regionální faktory
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords intermodal shift; intermodal competition; rail transport; air transport
Description The eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano in April 2010 blocked air transport in significant part of Europe and influenced international as well as long-distance domestic passenger transport. Airports throughout Europe stayed closed so that thousands of passengers had to cancel their journey or to find another possibility to reach their destinations; in this case they had to choice an alternative transport mode. The aim of the paper is to analyse a short-run effect of shock changes in transport services supply. The question to be answered is in what capacity air passengers prefer rail against road transportation in case of air transportations break down.
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