Publication details

Procesy s otroky v antickém Římě

Title in English Procedural issues concerning slaves in antique Rome


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Súdne reči a veĺké súdne procesy podĺa justiniánskych Digest a iných prameňov rímskeho práva, ed. Peter Mach, Matej Pekárik
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords slave; libertin; Crimen Maiestatis; causa libertatis
Description The article deals with procedural aspects of position of slaves in antique Rome. It contains information on acting of a slave as witness in judicial proceedings (including witnessing in his own masters cases). Besides the article contains also information on proceedings of liberation of the slaves. The paper represents a readout of the research which was carried out in the course of doctoral study (Ph.D. study programme).

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