Publication details

Terrorists at the Gates? Unauthorized Migrants and Discourses of Danger


JAWORSKY Bernadette Nadya

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Migration Letters
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords Unauthorized migrants discourses of dangers terrorists
Description This letter looks at public discourses about the 'dark side' of migration, its association with terror and danger. To understand these ‘discourses of danger’ and the ways in which unauthorized migrants respond, I utilize qualitative data collected over four years of research in a small U.S. city that has recently received a large influx of foreign born residents. I examine the ways in which unauthorized migrants, individually and collectively, frame and construct claims for social and political acceptance and the discursive survival strategies they employ in response to the growing incidence of physical and symbolic violence in their communities.
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