Publication details

Dvojí časoprostor naléhavosti odkazu TGM a EB. Některé paralely, analogie, ale i nesouměřitelnosti osvitu

Title in English A Double Space-time of Urgency of Masaryk's and Beneš' Heritage: Some Parallels, Analogies, but also Incommensurabilities of Exposure


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference T.. G. Masaryk, jeho spolupracovníci a vznik československého státu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field History
Keywords T. G. Masaryk; E. Beneš; heritage; orientation towards the West; orientation towards the USSR
Description Each time has embraced the authority to judge its past. The conditions which Masaryk and Beneš lived in during their whole lives were totally dissimilar. Beneš acquired positive visions about the USSR owing to his experiences about Munich.

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