Publication details

Dredged sediments use on agricultural land - evaluation using biochemical markers in Eisenia fetida

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Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description High volumes of sediment are removed from rivers and ponds routinely. The subsequent usage of the matter is an important environmental topic. In our study, set of 30 sediments was tested using biochemical markers of oxidative stress and detoxification in Eisenia fetida. Sediments were chemically analyzed and mixed with reference arable soil in 1:3 ratio (v/v) which has been suggested in novel Czech directive (2009) as realistic scenario after deposition on land. Control groups contained reference soil. In earthworms, biochemical markers are often used to observe toxic effects of pollutants, or their mixtures, but also of other stress resources (pH, physical properties of soils). Therefore they are suitable tools to assess effects of real solid matrixes on soil invertebrates. In this study, there were established methods for determination of GST, GR, GSH. We observed significant effects (both inductions and inhibitions; One-way Anova and Dunnet test) comparing to physiological levels of controls.
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