Publication details

Z počátků moderní byrokracie : nejvyšší zeměpanský úřad na Moravě v letech 1748-1782

Title in English The Beginning of Modern Bureaucracy: The Supreme Land Governing Office (Allerhöchste Landesfürstliche Stelle) in Moravia between 1748 and 1782.


Year of publication 2011
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The study deals with the functioning of the land governing office in Moravia from 1748 to the early years of the reign of Joseph II. The present work attempts to map the dynamic development of the institution against the background of the main administrative events of the period in question. In so doing, it focuses on two major and mutually intersecting issues, administration and diplomatics. In four parts deals with the administrative history of the institution, focuses on its structure and staff, on the everyday life and written material produced by the office.
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