Publication details

Objektivní pohled na pracovní místa ve městě Brně a jeho zázemí

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Title in English Objective approach to labour positions in the city of Brno and its hinterland


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Geografické informácie 8. Stredoeurópsky priestor. Geografia v kontexte nového regionálneho rozvoja.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Brno; labour positions; commuting
Description This contribution attempts to objectively interpret data on economic activity of population gathered during the last two censuses in the Czech Republic. The authors argue that the number of labour positions in the city of Brno and its immediate hinterland during 1991 and 2001 was not changed despite a remarkable rise of unemployment. It is caused by the increase of commuting to Brno. This increase was predominantly determined by commuting from greater distances within the Czech Republic and commuting from abroad.
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