Who is eligible for participation in the university-wide course opinion poll?

The course opinion poll is open to all students with active studies; a student may complete a poll for each of his/her active studies. A student who has interrupted or completed his/her studies and who is not participating in any course in a given semester is not allowed to participate in the poll.

List of courses not included in the course opinion poll.

Where is the poll located in the MU Information System?

The poll may be accessed using the following path:

Information System → Student → End of Term → Course Opinion Polls

Is the course opinion poll truly anonymous?

Even though the poll is filled out within the authenticated part of the MU Information System, all answers are anonymized. The respondent's identity, i.e. his/her name, personal identification number or other personal information, is not disclosed to anyone at any time.

What happens if I fail to sufficiently fill out the course opinion poll?

A student who fails to provide any answers and who has been enrolled in a degree programme for more than one semester will not be granted access to course opinion poll outcomes, i.e. he/she will not be able to access individual course results. 

A student enrolled in his/her studies for a period shorter than one semester may access existing poll statistics without limitations.

When is my university-wide course opinion poll filled out sufficiently?

To sufficiently fill out the course opinion poll (i.e. in order to view the results later on), you must complete at least half of your courses or at least ten courses you were enrolled in during the current semester. 

For a course to be considered complete, you must answer all of the required questions for at least one course–teacher or seminar–tutor combination.

Do I have to provide answers to all questions? Which questions are mandatory?

Mandatory questions include the questions answered on a rating scale. The final open-ended question, designed to gather comprehensive feedback on individual teachers, as well as the question about the study load are optional.

When will the university-wide course opinion poll results be made available?

The results of the university-wide course opinion poll are announced after the poll closes and once the collected data are automatically processed. Opinion poll closes at the end of the examination period of a given term.

Results are available to all teachers as well as to their superiors by default; students may access results only in case they have sufficiently filled out their polls.

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