September 2018

20 Sep

David Pavlik,CIO – Learning of first principles matters

We cordiallly invite all to the lecture of David Pavlik, Chief Information Officer David graduated at Faculty of Informatics, MU in 2001. He then worked in variety of roles, e.g. in Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, SpaceX. He will talk about how...

from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

24 Sep

Paneldiskussion: Text und Bild (Synthesediskussion vor Ende des Projektes)

Centrum pro transdisciplinární výzkum kulturních fenoménu ve středoevropských dějinách: obraz, komunikace, jednání // Centre for Cross-Disciplinary Research into Cultural Phenomena in the Central European History: Image, Communication, Behaviour PANELDISKUSSION TEXT...

from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

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