Project information
Armed conflicts in international relations after the end of the Cold War
- Project Identification
- GA407/09/0153
- Project Period
- 1/2009 - 12/2012
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Social Studies
- Keywords
- international relations, armed conflicts, conflict resolution
The aim of the proposed project is to investigate the complex phenomenon of armed conflicts after the end of the Cold
War. The armed conflicts of the investigated period will be used as empirical material to test hypotheses and theories
explaining armed conflicts. Using theories and methods of international relations and, secondarily, related social sciences
(political science and international law), armed conflicts will be investigated as a multifaceted phenomenon. The research
will primarily focus on the following problems: causes of armed conflicts: what international relations theory says versus
the reality of the investigated period; evolution of military crisis management operations and the possibilities of their use
in dealing with international armed conflicts; and the evolution of the regulation of armed conflicts through international
law and the changing role of international law in armed conflicts.
Total number of publications: 37
Czech and Slovak Defense Policies Since 1999: The Impact of Europeanization
Problems of Post-Communism, year: 2013, volume: 60, edition: 3, DOI
Strategie odstrašování a terorismus. Výzvy a možnosti.
Does NATO Enlargement Spread Democracy? The Democratic Stabilization of Western Balkan Countries
Existing Conflicts in the Arctic and the Risk of Escalation: Rhetoric and Reality
Perspectives, year: 2012, volume: 20, edition: 1
Judicializace ozbrojených konfliktů v mezinárodních vztazích
Ozbrojené konflikty po konci studené války, year: 2012, number of pages: 19 s.
K některým aspektům aplikace mandátu RB OSN během operace NATO Unified Protector
Mezinárodní ozbrojené konflikty a lidská práva: pohled mezinárodních institucí a soudů
International Armed Conflicts and Human Rights: Approach of International Institutions and Courts, year: 2012, number of pages: 18 s.
Ozbrojené konflikty po konci studené války
Ozbrojené konflikty po konci studené války, year: 2012, number of pages: 4 s.
Ozbrojené konflikty po konci studené války a proměny mezinárodního práva
Ozbrojené konflikty po konci studené války, year: 2012, number of pages: 22 s.
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