Publication details

Činnost ombudsmana (zřízeného na základě rezoluce RB OSN 1904(2009)) v souvislosti se zápisem (údajných) teroristů na seznam Sankčního výboru RB OSN 1267/1989

Title in English Activity of the Ombudsperson in Connection with a Listing of (Alleged) Terrorrists on the Consolidated List (Black list) of the UNSC Sanction Committee 1267/1989


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2012: The Conference Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Ombudsperson; Sanctions Committee 1267/1989; the UNSC Resolutions; the Consolidated List; independence; impartiality; the process of the listing; the process of the delisting; the right to a fair trial.
Description My contribution is focused on the activity of the Office of the Ombudsperson whose establishment is connected with a critical view of international law experts in relation to the process of listing, if the case delisting, of alleged Al-Qaida (and earlier even Taliban) terrorists and the impossibility of review this process by independent and impartial body of the UN. In my contribution there is an analysis of the situation before the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsperson, a description of the process before the Ombudsperson, an analysis of the individual cases reviewed by the Ombudsperson and finally there is a reflection on the right to a fair trial of the listed persons in connection with the activity of the Ombudsperson.
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