Publication details

Specifika řízení s dětmi do 15 let, které se dopustily činu jinak trestného a trestně neodpovědnými mladitsvými

Title in English Specifics of proceedings with child under the age of 15, that commit an act, which should be a crime if would be commit by an adult offender


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Trestneprávne a kriminologicke aspekty kriminality mládeže
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords child under the age of 15; young offender; that has no criminal liability; transgression; measures
Description The topic deals with specifics of proceedings with child under the age of of 15, that commits an act, that would be a crime, if would be commit by an adult offender. The specifics and problems arise from the fact, that child has no criminal liability and that is why we have to use only civil rule, not criminal prescription.

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