Publication details

Míra veřejnoprávních zásahů jako jeden z důvodů postavení pracovního práva jako zvláštního odvětví

Title in English The Extent of Public Law Intervention as One of Reasons for the Existence of Labour Law as an Independent Legal Branch


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference COFOLA 2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Labour Law; Labour Code; Civil Law; Public Interest; Subsidiarity Principle
Description The contribution deals with the relation of labour law to the rest of private law. Labour law is generally considered as an independent legal branch. The independency of labour law may however be doubted due to some particular aspects of new Civil code. It therefore appears reasonable to reiterate questions concerning the specific position of labour law and its grounds. The extent of the public interventions into labour relations is suggested to be one of the important reasons for the independency of labour law.
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