Publication details

Experimentální spojení Moravské galerie v Brně a studentského videomappingového projektu

Title in English Experimental Interoperation of the Moravian Gallery in Brno with the Students’ Videomapping Project


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Muzeum. Muzejní a vlastivědná práce
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords gallery; videomapping; facade; student project; institucional cooperation
Description The paper deals with various forms of communication of large museum institutions with the public, and particularly the university students. Also, the paper deliver analyses communication media in use of the Moravian Gallery in Brno as an example. The complementary „Experiment Videomapping“ projection from June 10, 2015 performed on the facade of the Governor’s Palace, Moravian Gallery is described as a specific form of cooperation. The event is reflected from a broader perspective of cooperation and communication of the museum/gallery with the expert public.
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