Publication details

Suppletion and morpheme order : Are words special?

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CAHA Pavel

Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of linguistics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords ABA; degree morphology; morpheme order; suppletion; words
Description This article reviews some of the main theoretical claims made in Jonathan David Bobaljik’s 2012 book, which deals with root suppletion in adjectival degree expressions. My first goal is to make the reader familiar with a coherent fragment of the overall system and the data that motivate it. The second goal is to discuss one specific part of the account, namely that words, understood as complex heads, are special for suppletion in the sense that suppletion is impossible beyond this domain. I argue that it is possible to abandon this assumption with no loss of descriptive coverage, and argue that in doing so, we can formulate a unified theory which covers both suppletion and morpheme order.
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