Publication details

Traditional and Convergent Domestic Audiences : Towards a Typology of the Transforming Czech Viewership of Films and TV series

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Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Iluminace : časopis pro teorii, historii a estetiku filmu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords audiences; media convergence; audio-visual content; survey; Czech population
Description is exploratory study draws upon data from a 2014 survey of the Czech adult population, focusing on di erences between traditional and convergent domestic audiences of lm and TV. Employing statistical methods of hierarchical cluster analysis and multinomial logistic regression, this empiri- cal paper considers traditional and convergent modes of content consumption, various forms of the curation of content, the viewers’ attitudes to content, socio-demographic variables, and culture in general. On this basis, an evidence-based typology of Czech domestic audiences is formulated, sug- gesting four types of lm and TV viewers: traditional passive audiences, traditional engaged audi- ences, convergent passive audiences and convergent engaged audiences. Consequently, the study looks for cultural and socio-demographic predictors of the resulting types of audiences.
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