Publication details

Vzpomínková próza židovských autorů autorů po roce 1945

Title in English Memories of Jewish Life in the Czech literature after 1945


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Přednášky a besedy z L. (jubilejního) ročníku Letní školy slovanských (bohemistických) studií
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords literary memories; historical narrative; Hayden White; Brno; Fritz Beer; Arnošt Goldflam; František Langer; Egon Hostovský; Viktor Fisch; Norbert Frýd
Description The construction of examined identities weakens, but also strengthens Jewish self-awareness as a nation of memory. It is also a testimony of the time he is talking about, and of the time in which memories are published.

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