Publication details

APVV č. APVV-14-0061 "Rozširovanie sociálnej funkcie slovenského súkromného práva pri uplatňovaniu zásad európskeho práva."

Title in English APVV č. APVV-14-0061 "Elarging of social function of Slovak private law in the process of application of principles of European Law."


Year of publication 2019
Type Research and development projects
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description The aim of the project is particular set of questions, linked to the concept of social aiming of private law, and also the folowing question, which is the capacity of the private law to absorb legal regulation of the social model. The project is focused mainly on the development and actual situation of the social models of the member coutries of European Union and on the development, actual situation and future tendencies of European social model as regulatory system.

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