Publication details

Pb-bohatý turmalín v pegmatitu z Minh Tien, Vietnam

Title in English Pb-dominant tourmaline in pegmatite from Minh Tien, Vietnam


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Študentská vedecká konferencia PriF UK 2019 : Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov
Keywords Minh Tien, tourmaline, Pb-dominant tourmaline, fluor -liddicoatite, fluor-elbaite
Description Tourmaline samples from Minh Tien in North Vietnam were studied using advanced analytical methods such as optical microscopy and electron microprobe. The samples come from a granitic pegmatite, where tourmaline occurs associated with amazonite K-feldspar. This tourmaline is specific as it contains high amounts of Ca and Pb in its structure. The chemical analyses of various coloured tourmaline showed occurrence of fluor-liddicoatite, and fluor-elbaite, and rarely also a new Pb-dominant mineral of tourmaline group. Tourmaline occurs in four generations.The lead enrichment is obviously related to alteration of amazonite. Textural relations show that the primary Pb-rich tourmaline forms contemporarily with lepidolite during metasomatism albitization of K-feldspar and others three generations forms during hydrothermal reaction Li,B,F-rich fluid with primary tourmaline, K-feldspar and albite.

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