Publication details

Stanovení cílů jako základ projektování

Title in English Setting goals as a basis for designing


Year of publication 2019
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description In the chapter, the theme of pre-school education objectives was set in the context of designing in order to support effective planning of educational work and educational offer, especially in connection with the development of pre-literacy and support for school readiness among children. Based on theoretical knowledge, teachers in the practice community were offered the use of a “three-tier model” as an effective way of planning education at the class level. As we perceive the importance of relevant starting points for choosing goals, we also dealt with the collection of materials for their planning through the evaluation of educational outcomes. We used the PREDICT diagnostic tool developed within the Good Start to School project to verify this activity. The self-esteem of children has also become part of this chapter.

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