Publication details

Radnice a další stavby architekta Vladimíra Fischera v Tišnově : Spolupráce s malířem Janem Koehlerem

Title in English The town hall and other buildings by the architect Vladimír Fischer in Tišnov : His cooperation with the painter Jano Koehler


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical (without peer review)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper is devoted to three early buildings by the Brno architect Vladimír Fischer (1870– 1947) in the town of Tišnov: School for girls (No. 312) in the street Riegrova, Town hall (No. 111) and Hotel Květnice (No. 120) in the main square (Míru). Each of these late historicist buildings from the first decennium of the 20th century has a rather different stylistic concept depending on its purpose and role. Expression of the concept is supported by sculpture and painting. The painter Jano Koehler (1873– 1941) decorated two facades of the town hall with his coloured sgraffitoes with effort to fulfil a specific Moravian style distinguishing itself by rustic and folkloristic features, as well as by the interest for a local history.
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