Publication details

Nárůst seniorské populace = geriatrizace medicíny

Title in English Senior population growth = geriatrization of medicine


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Nemocniční listy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords Multimorbidity - geriatrization of medicine - atomization of medicine - absence of holistic approach
Description In the elderly population there is a common decline in functional capacities, the gradual emergence of various diseases to wider multimorbidity, and an increase in social problems (loneliness, loss of partner, etc.), which may accentuate the aging fragility and inability to live independently. The aim of geriatric medicine is to optimize residual functions while decreasing overall functional capacities with increasing multimorbidity. Civilization development leads to increased life expectancy and life expectancy. Absolutely and relatively more and more people are old and very old and longevity. This trend will continue in the coming decades.

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