Publication details

Volga - The first river of Europe



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Linguistica Lithuanica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords River; Volga; hydronym; etymology
Description This article analyzes the names which denote or could denote the mightest river of Europe - the Volga, namely Old Russian Volga, Mordovian Rav(o), Mari Jul, Turkic Ätil, preceded by Byzantine records as Attílas, Aste:l, Ástel, Tíl etc., further Aráxe:s, Óaros and Lúkos by Herodotus, Rha by Ptolemy, plus names of the mythical rivers Rangha:- in the Young Avesta and Rasá:- in the Rgveda. Their etymologies are discussed in detail and the most probable of them are finally presented in specific quasi-homonymous chains of names that elucidate mechanisms of ethnic and language changes along the shores of the river. In Appendix the text passages are summarized to illustrate important information about the river in various literary and historical contexts.
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