Publication details

Nový výzkum pravěkých těžebních polí na Bílém kameni u Sázavy, okr. Benešov

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Title in English New excavation of the prehistoric mining fields at Bílý kámen near Sázava, Central Bohemia


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Archeologické rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Bohemia; marble; distribution; Neolithic; petrography; jewel
Description The article presents a current view of the issue of the Neolithic mining site of Bílý kámen near Sázava (Czech Republic, Benešov district). The results are based both on an analysis of earlier finds and on the finds from a new archaeological excavation. The findings show that the traditional idea of one of the most important monuments of prehistoric mining activities of non-silicate rock in Central Europe will need to be substantially revised. The fact that it is not the main source of the raw material of marble bracelets during the period of the Stroked Pottery culture (5100/5000–4500/4400 cal BC) opens new space in a seemingly long-resolved discussion. Radiocarbon data enrich our knowledge of the activities taking place at Bílý kámen in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period.
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