Publication details

Europa im Schatten des Ersten Weltkriegs, ed. M. Bobinac, W. Müller-Funk, A. Seidler, J. Spreicer, A. Urválek

Title in English Europe in the shadow of the First World War, ed. M. Bobinac, W. Müller-Funk, A. Seidler, J. Spreicer, A. Urválek


Year of publication 2021
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The end of the war in 1918 did not bring peace to Europe - as early as 1917 a series of counter-revolutions, civil wars and conflicts began, which affected many European countries and lasted until 1923. This wave of violence, already replaced by stabilization, reappeared World War II is related to the many causes that the present publication seeks to map. Researchers from many countries take part in the publication, numerous disciplines and different perspectives are represented.
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