Publication details

Red giant - jet interaction in galactic nuclei: Hydrodynamical simulations of repetitive stellar passages



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cologne-Prague-Brno meeting 2022: Black-hole activity feedback from Bondi-radius to galaxy-cluster scales.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Galactic center; accretion; jets; outflows; red giants; AGB stars; AGN feedback
Description The lack of red giants in the Galactic center was discovered more than thirty years ago (Sellgren et al., 1990). Several scenarios were proposed to explain the mechanism responsible for depletion of bright red giants: tidal disruption, star-accretion disk or star-star collisions, infall of a massive cluster or a secondary black hole, or dark-matter collisions with red-giant cores. We continue in numerical investigation of recently proposed scenario for bright red-giant outer layers ablation during the stars' passage through the Galactic nuclear jet which was likely active a few million years ago. We calculate in quite realistic details the repetitive star-jet interactions with orbital distance of 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 pc from the center of our Galaxy. We simplify the red-giant internal structure as a polytropic model of a 1 Solar mass and 100 Solar radii star, while we assume the relativistic jet with velocities equal or above 0.3c and half-opening angle of 10 degrees. The ongoing simulations reveal the rate of the star ablation in dependence of a number of jet crossings and also the impact of these interactions on further evolution of the stars.

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