Publication details

Využití sulodexidu u pacientů s klaudikačními bolestmi a kritickou končetinu ohrožující ischemií

Title in English Sulodexide in patients with claudication pain and critical limb-threatening ischaemia


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Kazuistiky v angiologii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords critical limb ischaemi; claudication; ischaemic wound; chronic limb-threatening ischaemia; sulodexide; conservative therapy
Description Introduction Critical limb ischaemia (CLI) is a chronic disease that can lead to a significant reduction in the patients’ quality of life. Although successful revascularisation is a pillar of CLI treatment, in some cases it is not indicated or possible at all. Such patients rely on conservative therapy, which includes sulodexide treatment. Objective In this retrospective study, we evaluated the effect of newly introduced sulodexide in patients with claudication pain and in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI). Methodology Over a three-year period, sulodexide was newly used in 34 patients with claudication and in 38 patients with CLTI in whom revascularisation was not indicated or possible. The condition of the patients was evaluated after four and eight months, the evaluated parameters were claudication interval, Rutherford’s classification and the presence of CLTI. Results An overall positive effect of the treatment was observed in both groups. In the group of claudication patients, the average claudication interval increased from 144 m at the beginning of therapy to 376 m after four months and 430 m after eight months. In the second group, all 38 patients began with symptoms of CLTI, after four months CLTI symptoms remained in six patients and after eight months in another three. Conclusion After the use of sulodexide, we observed a significant improvement in both patients with claudication pain and patients with CLTI. The effect of sulodexide on patients with CLTI has not been sufficiently described in any literature. According to our observations, the use of sulodexide appears to be an effective therapy in patients with CLI, even in the CLTI stage.

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