Publication details

Artificial intelligence and visual analytics in geographical space and cyberspace: Research opportunities and challenges


CHEN Min CLARAMUNT Christophe COLTEKIN Arzu LIU Xintao PENG Peng ROBINSON Anthony C. WANG Dajiang STROBL Josef WILSON John P. BATTY Michael KWAN Mei-Po LOTFIAN Maryam GOLAY Francois JOOST Stephane INGENSAND Jens SENOUSI Ahmad M. TAO Cheng BANDROVA Temenoujka KONEČNÝ Milan TORRENS Paul M KLIPPEL Alexander LI Songnian ZHANG Fengyuan HE Li WANG Jinfeng RATTI Carlo KOLDITZ Olaf LIN Hui LUE Guonian

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Earth-Science Reviews
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Geographical space; Cyberspace; GeoAI; GeoVA
Description In recent decades, we have witnessed great advances on the Internet of Things, mobile devices, sensor-based systems, and resulting big data infrastructures, which have gradually, yet fundamentally influenced the way people interact with and in the digital and physical world. Many human activities now not only operate in geographical (physical) space but also in cyberspace. Such changes have triggered a paradigm shift in geographic information science (GIScience), as cyberspace brings new perspectives for the roles played by spatial and temporal dimensions, e.g., the dilemma of placelessness and possible timelessness. As a discipline at the brink of even bigger changes made possible by machine learning and artificial intelligence, this paper highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with geographical space in relation to cyberspace, with a particular focus on data analytics and visualization, including extended AI capabilities and virtual reality representations. Consequently, we encourage the creation of synergies between the processing and analysis of geographical and cyber data to improve sustainability and solve complex problems with geospatial applications and other digital advancements in urban and environmental sciences.

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