Publication details

Proticyklické nástroje bankovej regulácie v podmienkach eurozóny

Title in English Countercyclical instruments of banking regulation in the conditions of the eurozone


Year of publication 2023
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description Countercyclical regulation in banking aims to increase the resilience of banks in the so-called better times by higher creation of capital and reserves. On the contrary, in times of imbalance, capital is expected to be used to maintain the stability of banks and thus the entire banking sector. The ability to identify the growth of risk, as well as the phase in which the economic system is located, is important here. Several methods are used to measure cyclicality in the practice of banking regulation. Methods of measuring the cyclicality of development are also the object of research by scientists who try to find effective methods of measuring cyclicality and compare their results. Considering the fact that the onset of the cycle is different in individual countries and is caused by different factors, it is necessary to take national specificities into account when measuring the cyclicality of the development of banking sectors.

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