Publication details

Aspiring re-migrants’ behaviour in mobility policies: the case of the Czech Republic

Title in English COUNTRY REPORT Aspiring re-migrants’ behaviour in mobility policies: the case of the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2024
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description This research report delves into the Czech Republic's migration regulations in the context of global human mobility. As part of the broader AspirE project, the study focuses on how the Czech migration regime incorporates the behaviour of aspiring re-migrants, aiming to shed light on the interplay between migration policies and re-migrant aspirations. The report employs content analysis, specifically in the domains of labour migration, tourism, family reunification, student migration, investment migration, and EU freedom of movement, with a focus on Vietnamese nationals. The data subject to analysis originated from three main sources: Czech legislation, governmental regulations and programmes, and summaries conducted by ministries responsible for facilitating the process of acquisition of residence authorisation. The report highlights the restrictive nature of the Czech Republic's migration policies, emphasising the careful regulation of entry conditions for Third-Country Nationals (TCNs). The Czech migration regime’s primary focus is on stringent entry requirements, employment ties, considerations of deservingness, and security concerns. The report notes the limited emphasis on individual life situations in the policies. The requirements for Vietnamese nationals are generally unspecified or more stringent, with the student mobility presenting a notable exception.
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