Publication details

Pravěké a raně středověké osídlení Bartolomějského ostrova ve Veselí nad Moravou

Title in English Prehistoric and early medieval settlement on St. Bartholomew Island (Bartolomějský ostrov) in Veselí nad Moravou

DEJMAL Miroslav HOCH Aleš

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia archaeologica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Veselí nad Moravou, prehistory, Early Middle Ages, Bronze Age, 9th – mid-10th centuries, settlement
Description The aim of the article is to evaluate the prehistoric and early medieval finds from archaeological rescue excavations carried out on St. Bartholomew Island (Bartolomějský ostrov) in Veselí nad Moravou. The area of the Morava River island itself was inhabited already in the Bronze Age. From this stage, isolated small sunken features and finds in a secondary position were detected. In the Early Middle Ages, there was a settlement that is mainly evidenced by several buildings, probably with a residential function, and one solitary burial. Both settlements are part of a relatively intensively populated wider area. The article tries to place the investigated sites in this context as well. From the 13th century, the area of the island was occupied by a settlement, which developed into a town after the middle of the 14th century. Prehistoric and early medieval find contexts are preserved in the area of today’s square, the former marketplace.

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