Publication details

Uplatňování práv nepominutelných dědiců jako zásadní problém dědění obchodního závodu či podílu v obchodní společnosti?

Title in English Exercising the rights of persons entitled to compulsory share as a fundamental problem of inheriting a business or a share in a company?


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právní rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords compulsory share; forced heir; inheritance of share; inheritance of business
Description The article deals with the issue of exercising the rights arising from the status of persons entitled to compulsory share in the case of inheritance of a share in a company or a business. It deals with the situation when the descendants of the deceased in the position of forced heirs demand a monetary payment of compulsory share of the estate consisting of a business or a share in a company and the consequences arising therefrom.
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