Publication details

Implementace teorie firmy do finanční analýzy podniku

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Title in English The implementation of a firm theory to the financial analysis of a company


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Vývoj ekonomickej teórie a vzdelávania, uplatnenie a perspektívy v SR
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords firm theory; financial analysis; value; revenues; costs; opportunity costs
Description The topic of this paper is concerned in a possibility of connection of the microeconomics theory and the financial analysis as a component of the business economics. The goal of the submitted paper is an implementation of a microeconomic firm theory to the financial analysis with a regard for an economic practice of companies in the Czech Republic. I use an analogy of the microeconomics and the business economics concept of total revenues and total costs to this implementation.
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